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Wondering how to make cheese at home? Want to know how to make cheddar or mozzarella cheese without having to babysit a pot on the stove and measure exact temperatures? What about making your own cream cheese for bagels? A new device called Fromaggio is going to help you!
When I was at CES a couple of months ago I went to an event that was dedicated to kitchen gadgets, which is my idea of heaven. And the thing I got most excited about? A home cheese-making machine!
Here’s a brief rundown of what Fromaggio can do:
I sampled four cheeses from this thing, and they were so good! According to the people behind Fromaggio, it does just about everything for you: you put in the ingredients and choose which kind of cheese you want to make, and Fromaggio heats the cheese, cuts the curd, drains the whey, and presses the cheese, a process that can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 48 hours, depending on the kind of cheese you’re making.
I’ve made soft cheese at home before. I thought I would like doing it, since I love other slow, fiddly processes, like baking and gardening. But honestly, I didn’t enjoy it. What I would enjoy is for a machine right on my own counter to do all of the temperature control and pressing for me, and I just get to eat the cheese at the end!
What kinds of cheeses?
Imagine making fresh mozzarella on a Friday afternoon and putting it on your pizza for dinner? Or pulling a homemade blue cheese out of your fridge that you’ve been aging for three months, and serving it to guests at a dinner party? Fromaggio can make soft cheeses, like cream cheese or chevre, hard cheeses, like cheddar or Parmesan, and just about everything in between. You can totally customize them with your own flavors. It also makes tofu, vegan cheese, and yogurt. You can choose recipes that Fromaggio has worked out for you, recipes from other Fromaggio users, or customize a recipe and make it your own.
Where to order Fromaggio
Fromaggio met its Kickstarter minimum in practically no time (it was fully funded in less than three hours!), so it’s happening! And while the shipping date is at least a year out, you can save a lot of money by pre-ordering one now (it has moved from Kickstarter to Indigogo for additional backers). And of course, I need to mention the usual Kickstarter/Indigogo caveats, because it’s not like buying a product from a store. You’re taking a risk on a new idea in exchange for getting a great price. But I was willing to take that risk, and I backed Fromaggio on the first day! My love for cheese knows no bounds, and I just had to have it.
You can read much more about Fromaggio on Indigogo. I hope to be back here in a year talking about my homemade cheese!