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How to close a chip bag without a clip

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Want to know how to close a chip bag without a clip or rubber band? This trick has been saving my snacks from getting stale for years!

Want to know how to close a chip bag without a clip or rubber band? This trick has been saving my snacks from getting stale for years!

So you’re in a hotel, or your car, or even in your house, and you can’t find a clothespin or chip clip for your half-eaten bag of chips. You could put a rubber band around the whole thing, but that crushes the chips.

Chip bag closed without a clip


But there’s a really easy way to close a snack bag, and it takes just a few seconds! The result will be an airtight bag that will stay closed until you need more snacks. I’ll give you some step-by-step directions, or you can just go to the bottom of the post and watch the short video.

Step 1: Folding

Fold the bag two or three times. If you can’t fold it two times, the bag is too full for this trick.

How to close a chip bag - folding

Step 2: Folding To The Middle

Next, with the folded part in the back, fold each side in towards the middle. For a bigger bag, the sides will meet in the middle. For a smaller bag, they’ll overlap a bit.

How to close a chip bag - folding to the middle

Step 3: Turn The Folds Inside-Out

Last, you fold the back over the front, while pushing the front under – you’re basically turning the folded parts inside out. How to close a chip bag folding inside out

And that’s it! You’re done!

How to close a chip bag shaking

[bctt tweet=”Want to learn how to close a chip bag without a clip or rubber band? It’s so easy!” username=”AmyOztan”]

Want to see the whole process? Watch the video!

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Wednesday 20th of March 2024

I watched more than six other videos on this. Yours is, by far and away, the easiest to follow and ----- best of all ----- it works like a dream. Thank you.

Amy Oztan

Wednesday 20th of March 2024

That makes me so happy!!


Thursday 26th of March 2020

Thank you, Amy!!! Saw this much needed advice for the first first time EVER and CLICKED. #QuarantinedChipTips


Wednesday 4th of March 2020

old news...

Amy Oztan

Thursday 5th of March 2020

And yet here you are.


Saturday 14th of September 2019


Amy Oztan

Sunday 15th of September 2019


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