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Wondering what you can eat on Weight Watchers? I’m going to tell you, with pictures.
A week’s worth of vegetarian Weight Watchers food looks different for everyone. The Freestyle program is very flexible, both in how many points you can use each day, and which foods you actually have to keep track of. I’ve been losing an average of 1.85 pounds per week on the program, or just under 15 pounds in eight weeks. And I’ve definitely fallen into some patterns with my eating and points:
I only eat between 9am and 9pm (that’s my own self-imposed rule)
My meals don’t usually fit into traditional meal times, I just eat when I’m hungry
I like to save most of my SmartPoints for the weekend, so that I can indulge a bit
I like to make a recipe and then eat it for days; this particular week it was Lentil Soup, and a White Bean Gratin recipe that I found on the Weight Watchers app
I’m eating basically the same foods I used to, but in WILDLY different proportions
I use every single one of my SmartPoints each week
I haven’t used any FitPoints yet
I couldn’t do this without a kitchen scale
I usually weigh myself on Saturday or Sunday, but since this food diary started last Monday I weighed myself two Mondays ago, and then last Monday. These weren’t my “official” weigh-ins that I entered into the app, though, they were just for this post. Monday weight-ins are always higher for me since I use most of my points over the weekend, and I wanted to make sure I was comparing apples to apples.
So how did I do? My Monday-Monday loss was 2.4 pounds! This is pretty much in line with how much I lost last week for my “official” weigh-in, which was 2 pounds.
I took pictures of everything I ate (except where noted – sometimes I took a couple of bites before remembering to take a picture!), not only to show you, but to keep track for myself, since I don’t record my zero points foods in the app. Now, these pictures aren’t fancy, styled food-blog pictures with good lighting (except for the couple of foods I photographed for recipe posts or Instagram), they’re just quick snapshots right before I started stuffing my face. So please excuse the photography. Towards the end of the week I didn’t even bother to put the plates or bowls down, I basically snapped a picture as I was walking to the table to eat.
For the most part it was a typical week: I ate almost all of my meals at home, I ate lots of eggs, I fit in enough bread and pasta and rice to keep myself happy, and I snuck in some cookies here and there. But it was atypical in that I didn’t even have a single fruit salad (we just didn’t have any good strawberries!), I didn’t eat much yogurt (I was at the tail end of a batch – in fact, the last one I ate was bad!), and I only had one frozen meal all week (normally I would have at least three). Plus, I didn’t bake on Saturday. Shockingly rare.
What you can eat on Weight Watchers Freestyle in a week
So, wondering what you can eat on Weight Watchers? Especially if you’re a vegetarian? Here we go! And remember, I get 23 points per day (4 of which I can roll over to my extra points), and 35 extra points per week – 196 points total (it went down by seven this week – the downside of losing weight is that you’re allowed fewer points). Here’s how I divvied them up. I gave the total points for each item, and when it was assembly and not a recipe, points for the individual ingredients in parenthesis.
2 points: 2 Morningstar Farms Breakfast links
1 point: 2 eggs scrambled with 1 tablespoon of whole milk, and 13g of ketchup
2 points: bowl of homemade lentil soup
1 point: 1/4 oz Vella Dry Jack Cheese garnish (not pictured: most of the cheese, which I ate while taking pictures of the soup for a recipe post)
1 point: 1/2 cup serving homemade Instant Pot yogurt with sugar and banana
0 points: 1 hard boiled egg (I make all of my hard boiled eggs in my Instant Pot – so easy!)
0 points: small bowl of blueberries
12 points: 2/3 of a serving of Plated Spring Onion and Asparagus Risotto
Total for Monday: 19 points
Click here for next page: Tuesday & Wednesday
J. David
Wednesday 18th of April 2018
Looks like a fairly good diet! But even better, eliminate dairy and sugar. Good luck!
Amy Oztan
Wednesday 18th of April 2018
Without dairy and sugar, just kill me!